Kentucky Cavalry Brigade
Georgetown, Kentucky
Morgan's Raid
June 20-22, 2003
Set #6

Units Represented at the Event
1st Kentucky Cavalry, Co. B
1st Kentucky Cavalry, Co. H
2nd Kentucky Cavalry, Co. L
9th Kentucky Cavalry, Cos. A/B
10th Kentucky Cavalry
The Posse
Bluegrass Mountain Artillery
(Gracey's Kentucky Battery, 35th TX Artillery)
Cobb's Kentucky Battery (Middle Tennessee)

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Day 2: Saturday, June 21
The Union responds by throwing in more troops, and the battle is on. We see Yankee cavalrymen returning Confederate fire.

Day 2: Saturday, June 21
Still being a nuisance, the cart of Yankees continues their charge toward the Southern lines.

Day 2: Saturday, June 21
Other Yankee cavalrymen pause a moment to reload weapons, having expended their initial rounds at the on-rushing rebel forces.

Day 2: Saturday, June 21
Whoa! Is this what it looks like? Are just two Yankees chasing a whole squad of rebels back to their lines? Are those chicken feathers that we see swirling in the air around the Confederate horsemen?!

Day 2: Saturday, June 21
Apparently not! The boys in gray have either found their courage or, more likely, sprung their trap as they suddenly turn and charge back at the Yankees who are now, in their turn, flying away. The lone Yank horsemen looks to be in rather desperate straits as he tries to escape the Confederate spurs close at his heels. The Confederate unit is the Kentucky Cavalry Brigade's 9th Kentucky Cavalry.

Day 2 Saturday, June 21
After some fierce fighting on horse back the momentum begans to wane for a few minutes and the Confederates of the Kentucky Cavalry Brigade and others reform their lines.




Day 2 Saturday, June 21
While the horses and their riders catch their breath and reload weapons the dismounted troopers begin their advance onto the field, keeping the pressure on against the Yankee defenders at Georgetown.

Day 2 Saturday, June 21
A glance across the field spots our foreign observer ... well...observing! Here he stands with the color bearer as hostilities on the battlefield take their course.

More to Come!

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